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Linear Fisheries

Siltex Application


Linear Fisheries

Siltexing Linear fisheries Brasenoes 1 & 2

Over the course of 5 days we applied 60 tonnes of Siltex to one of the UK’s most popular day ticket venues, Linear Fisheries. This year we were working on Brasenoes 1 & 2, totalling 62 acres of water.
Linear Fisheries being such a popular venue with almost 4000 fish up to a whopping 50lb attracts a huge number of anglers. With so many anglers comes an enormous amount of bait, which ends up as either fish waste or rotten excess on the lake bed. Large amounts of fish waste and rotting bait significantly increases the organic matter in the lakes. This organic matter has to be broken down by bacteria and microorganisms, any that isn’t can contribute to silt and sludge on the bottom of the lake. Siltex is used to aid these processes through its highly porous composition allowing oxygen to bind to the particles increasing levels in the lake bed. This reduces the effect of anaerobic bacteria (bad) and stimulates aerobic bacteria (good).

Siltex is a calcium based product and the presence of calcium helps to create a more productive and healthy environment for microorganisms and invertebrates to help with the breakdown of organic matter. An added bonus is more invertebrates = more fish food and bigger fish!

Siltex is also a flocculant meaning suspended solids and sediment binds to the particles increasing water clarity and additional nutrients falling to the lake bed helping to stimulate aquatic weed growth and increase biodiversity.

Linear Fisheries use siltex on rotation across all of their lakes as a great management tool for improving the aquatic habitats they rely on. The results speak for themselves as the fishery constantly produces incredible fish, healthy aquatic environments and great angling sport for anyone to enjoy.

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